IWCA Fellowship Award

IWCA Fellowship Award

IWCA Fellowship Award

The IWCA Fellowship Award honors a member who demonstrates good fellowship in our industry. The recipient of the IWCA Fellowship Award is an IWCA member who reaches out to others, offers advice unselfishly, and seeks nothing in return. He or she welcomes new members and makes newcomers feel comfortable in our association. The IWCA Fellowship Award recognizes an individual, not based on the past year, but for the duration of time and the commitment to goodwill with which they have dedicated themselves to our industry. Any member of the IWCA may be nominated for the IWCA Fellowship Award, whether or not they have served in a leadership role. The primary qualification to receive the IWCA Fellowship Award is the pleasure a nominee takes in their work and their association, and the generosity with which they share that pleasure with others.

Please fill out the form below to nominate another IWCA member for the IWCA Fellowship Award. Only active IWCA members qualify to receive this award.