2022 IWCA Non-Associate Member Trade Show Booth

2022 IWCA Non-Associate Member Trade Show Booth

This is our Non-Associate Members Ticketing for your booth registration!! Our 2022 IWCA Convention is February 7th – February 11th, 2022. Schedule and Trade Show Layout can be reviewed here!

Rosen Centre Hotel Room Booking Link – Toll-free number is 1-800-204-7234, cut-off date is Monday, January 10, 2022. Online Link – https://be.synxis.com/?adult=1&arrive=2022-02-08&chain=10237&child=0&config=ORLRH&currency=USD&depart=2022-02-12&group=GRP2022IWCA&hotel=69869&level=hotel&locale=en-US&rooms=1&themecode=ORLRH